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WebAssembly Studio


Regardless of which language you want to use, the WebAssembly tooling can be a bit of a pain to install. If you just want to have a quick play, this online playground is a great place to start. It currently supports C and Rust, but I’m sure other languages will appear in future.

A new experiment: Browser-based web apps with .NET and Blazor


WebAssembly support for C# started off as an open-source project called Blazor a number of months ago. C# is one of the more challenging languages to compile to WebAssembly due to the need for a garbage collector (which WebAssembly currently lacks). This blog post announces that Blazor has become an official ASP.NET project, with this backing it is likely to move a lot more quickly towards its goals.

For a detailed look at how Blazor works, I’d suggest this post from Steve Sanderson. They are targeting two runtime models, Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and an interpreted mode. Fascinating stuff!

Perspective by J.P. Morgan


Perspective is an open-source project from the investment bank JPM (which is a little unusual for starters!). The library creates real-time pivot visualisations from streaming data, using WebAssembly for the number-crunching. Lots of interesting discussion over on Hacker News.

And Finally …

I’ll leave you with a quote from Steven Sanderson:

Whether it pleases you or not, web development is going to change over the next few years. WebAssembly will allow web developers to choose from a much wider range of languages and platforms than ever before. This is a good thing - our world is finally growing up!