WebAssembly needs a better definition


The current definition on the WebAssembly.org website is “WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable target for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications” - this short article argues that we need a much clearer and simpler description.

It would probably be better to describe what can be achieved with wasm rather than describe what it is. A really interesting and thought provoking post.

Securing Firefox with WebAssembly


Security and privacy are of utmost importance for any web browser. Each and every day that render interactive content for us, from an ever-growing array of websites, which we cannot entirely trust. Sandboxing is a useful technique for providing isolation of untrusted code and maintaining security, and it just so happens that WebAssembly has a very good security sandbox. In this post the FireFox team describe how they are now using WebAssembly as a sandbox for the browser itself. Yes, that’s right, parts of the browser are now compiled to WebAssembly!

WebAssembly / eWasm – What, and Why?


WebAssembly is an important part of the Ethereum roadmap, which is due to go live next year. This blog post does a great job of explaining why WebAssembly is such a good fit for blockchain.

Porting a Go-Based Face Detection Library to Wasm: Q&A with Endre Simo


There are lots of blog posts about what developers are doing with WebAssembly. This post makes a nice change, here Endre tells us about why he is dabbling with WebAssembly and what he feels about it all.

And Finally …

My WebAssembly book finally arrived in the post - go me :-)